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4 Personal and Auto Accident Conditions We Treat

Get the Relief You Need. Schedule Your Appointment with Auto Accident Doctors Today.

If you’ve been involved in an accident, you know that all types of pain can pop up unexpectedly. That’s why it's important to get treatment right away following an injury. Luckily, the Auto Accident Doctors has you covered. Here are some of the most common pain conditions we can help treat.

Pain in the back, neck, and shoulders can cause lasting issues if not treated

Back, Neck, and Shoulder Pain

Upper body injuries are very common in car wrecks, but also during falls and other accidents. This is especially prevalent in the back, neck, and shoulder areas. Pain in these areas is not only uncomfortable, but it can also cause other pain, such as chronic headaches. Call us today if you’re experiencing pain or discomfort in any of these areas.

Whiplash is a common car accident injury that requires medical evaluation


Whiplash is caused by a sudden, forceful back-and-forth movement of the neck. Its name is derived from the cracking of a whip, since that is essentially the movement your neck and head make when the injury occurs. Whiplash can be caused by many things, but most often it’s rear-end car accidents. While most people recover within a few weeks, there is a risk of lasting trauma if you don’t seek medical evaluation and treatment.

Joint dislocation and stiffness are also common injuries from an accident

Joint Dislocation or Stiffness

If you’re in an accident and experience a dislocated limb, you’ll definitely know it. Dislocation is painful and immobilizes the joint, so medical attention is always required. However, after a dislocation or other joint injury, stiffness is very common. This can last a few weeks or years, depending on the severity of the injury and the quality of care. Make sure you trust a Certified Chiropractor or other medical professional to help you recover as effectively as possible.

Injuries can be life-altering. Mitigate their consequences with Auto Accident Doctors.

Inability to Move Easily Without Pain

Sometimes the lasting chronic pain from an accident goes beyond stiffness and soreness. Many injuries can cause reduced mobility due to enduring pain and discomfort. Experienced professionals, like the team at Auto Accident Doctors, can help mitigate your lasting pain symptoms with regular treatments. If you experience chronic pain, call us to learn more about our care approach.

When treated properly, injuries from accidents can be recovered from and their lasting symptoms reduced. However, if left untreated, they can result in lifelong pain and hardship. Don’t take the risk after you’re involved in an accident. Contact the experienced team at Auto Accident Doctors today!